5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to counter Mercy

Overwatch 2 remains one of the top esports titles globally, as its gameplay remains largely similar to that of its predecessor. In the game, two teams of six compete against each other. Players can select from a diverse cast of heroes, each with unique abilities and playstyles, to form a balanced team that can fulfill different roles such as damage dealing, tanking, or supporting.

Among the many beloved heroes returning to the fray is Mercy, the angelic support character known for her healing and resurrecting abilities. Compared to other support heroes, Mercy is known for providing one of the highest amounts of healing, albeit at the cost of dealing minimal damage.

The staff-wielding support can be connected to allies to provide healing or damage boosts and can be swapped between the two instantly. Below is a summary of her abilities:

  • Caduceus Staff – Provides healing or a damage boost
  • Caduceus Blaster– Small automatic pistol
  • Guardian Angel – Allows her to fly toward an ally
  • Resurrect – Revives a teammate
  • Angelic Descent– Allows her to fall slowly.
  • Valkyrie– Grants her the power to fly and enhances all her other abilities.

Mercy is perfect for players who are new to the game since her abilities are straightforward, and her gameplay is easy. Despite this, she offers significant support to her team in terms of healing and utility, ultimately making her a formidable opponent.

Fortunately, there are several ways to stop the staff-wielding support. Here are five heroes that are effective against Mercy and can counter her gameplay.

Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer.

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1) Tracer

Overwatch 2 - Tracer (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Tracer is considered to be a strong counter to heroes with low mobility and health points, which is why she is often considered to be one of the best heroes to counter Mercy. Her exceptional mobility enables her to flank and attack enemies from unexpected positions, creating challenges for Mercy to provide proper healing to her teammates.

Tracer's high damage output also allows her to eliminate Mercy swiftly, especially when caught off-guard or isolated from her team. Additionally, her ultimate ability, Pulse Bomb, can serve as a targeted attack to eliminate Mercy if used correctly.

2) Roadhog

Overwatch 2 - Roadhog (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Since the release of Overwatch 2, Roadhog has been a dominant presence in the game. His one-shot capabilities, hooks, and self-healing abilities have all contributed to making him a superior choice compared to other Tank heroes.

Roadhog is a great counter to squishy heroes like Mercy with his massive damage, large health, and crowd control. His primary fire, Scrap Gun, deals significant damage at close range, making it difficult for Mercy to keep healing herself or her teammates. With his hook, he can pull Mercy and potentially eliminate her with one shot.

3) Genji

Overwatch 2 - Genji (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Genji is a nightmare for Mercy to deal with, especially if he gets close enough to the angelic support. Thanks to his agility, Genji makes a strong counter to Mercy. With his swift movements, he can approach from unexpected angles and launch surprise attacks, making it difficult for Mercy to heal her allies.

Genji's shuriken projectiles can also deal a lot of damage to Mercy, particularly if he aims for headshots. In addition, his Dragonblade ultimate can be used to swiftly eliminate Mercy at close range. Since Mercy is considered one of the less mobile heroes in the game, it is easy for slippery flanks like Genji to catch her out of position.

4) Widowmaker

Overwatch 2 - Widowmaker (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Widowmaker is a highly effective hero for countering any Overwatch 2 hero with flight or airborne abilities. Such heroes are easy targets for skilled Widowmaker players due to their predictable movement patterns.

Mercy, being a fragile hero who relies heavily on passive healing, is particularly vulnerable to Widowmaker's attacks. A well-placed headshot can take down Mercy and force her to respawn, making Widowmaker a formidable opponent for the support hero.

However, countering Mercy with Widowmaker is still aim-dependent, as the sniper needs to land her shots to render the enemy Mercy useless to her team.

5) Sojourn

Overwatch 2 - Sojourn (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Sojourn has become a constant threat in Overwatch 2 as she has a powerful set of abilities that allows her to dominate her opponents, decimating entire teams with ease. Her abilities, such as her Helix Rockets and Rail Gun, can deal significant damage to Mercy if they land successfully, especially if she manages to hit her with a headshot.

Sojourn's automatic weapon can deal burst damage by knocking down flying heroes, including Mercy. Her super slides and high jump can also be used to outmaneuver and get ahead of Mercy players, making it harder for her to evade or heal her team effectively.

While Mercy can be a valuable addition to any team, her low health and limited mobility leave her vulnerable to certain heroes. To effectively counter her, it is recommended to form a team that includes crowd control and strong flankers. Additionally, snipers can be particularly effective against Mercy, as she is a stationary target while healing.

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