5 best Town Hall 13 attack strategies in Clash of Clans in 2022

Supercell’s Clash of Clans has been one of the most revolutionary mobile games since its launch in 2012. Players in the free-to-play strategy title must typically utilize different kinds of troops and spells to attack the bases of other users, be it in Multiplayer or Clan War mode.

Town Hall 13 is presently the second-highest Town Hall available in the multiplayer RTS game, and it comes with a special Giga Inferno. There are also a lot of powerful defenses present in TH13, and getting past them could prove to be a challenging task for many.

Keeping this in mind, players must devise proper attack strategies to increase their chances of obtaining the three-star attack. The composition of troops and spells provided in Town Hall 13 will significantly influence this, and the five finest attack strategies they can use in Clash of Clans are described below.

Note: The article is subjective, and the following Clash of Clans attack strategies are based on the writer’s opinion. User opinions may vary.

Clash of Clans: Top 5 TH13 attack strategies

5) Super Witch smash

  • Troops to use: 3 Super Witches, 2 Super Wall Breakers, 2 Loons, 2 Yetis, and other clean-up troops (minions and more)
  • Spells to use: 2 Rage, 4 Freeze, 1 Jump, 1 Poison
  • Clan Castle reinforcements: Flame Flinger, Hogs, and Rage spell

This approach is a great option to use in Clash of Clans, and it requires players to create funnels for troops to easily infiltrate the opponent’s base. The funnels can be made out of two edges. As part of the first one, they may deploy the Flame Flinger in combination with Yetis, who will serve the task of distracting the mortar. Meanwhile, they can deploy the Grand Warden and Healers on the other edge.

Once the funnel begins properly, players must use the Super Wall Breakers to smash through the walls before unleashing the Super Witches. They must then appropriately cast the Rage spells with the Jump spells to transport them to the core.

4) Mass Miners

  • Troops to use: 30 Miners + 3 Healers (for Queen Walk) + clean-up troops (preference)
  • Spells to use: 3 Heal, 4 Freeze, 1 Poison
  • Clan Castle reinforcements: Wall Wrecker, Super Wizards/Valkyrie, and Rage Spell

As the name implies, the “Mass Miners” strategy extensively uses the Miners in Clash of Clans. This troop is relatively decent and is one of the better choices when players go ahead with a ground attack. Although not everyone would recommend this during War Attacks, it can be helpful.

Gamers can start by doing the Queen Walk to clear the outside areas of the base. They can then begin deploying the Miners to clear the entire base.

3) Queen Charge LavaLoon

  • Troops to use: 2 Lava Hounds, 20 Balloons, 5 Healers, 3 Baby Drags, 5 Minions, 10 Archers
  • Spells to use: 1 Poison, 2 Freeze, 2 Haste, 3 Rage
  • Clan Castle reinforcements: Battle Blimp, Yeti, Valkyrie, Jump Spell

Queen Charge LavaLoon is one of the most successful tactics players use during Clan Wars within Clash of Clans. This would be particularly effective if the opponent’s air defenses were not at the maximum possible level.

To begin with, individuals will have to use the Queen alongside the healers to take out a portion of the base. Later, they can deploy Lava Hounds and Balloons to do their jobs.

It should be noted that this strategy needs the Archer Queen to be at a high enough level (around 50) and will not work effectively if she is at a lower one.

2) Electro DragLoon

  • Troops to use: 7 Electro Dragons, 8 Balloons, 1 Baby Dragon, 2 Wizards, 2 Archers
  • Spells to use: 1 Poison, 2 Freeze, 2 Lightning, 3 Rage
  • Clan Castle reinforcements: Battle Blimp, Yeti, Rage Spell

Similar to the aforementioned Queen Charge LavaLoon, the Electro DragLoon would be perfect if the opponent had their air defenses on the lower levels. Moreover, if the defenses are placed closely, it would be an added benefit due to the chain damage that the Electro Dragon possesses.

Apart from identifying where the Electro Dragons should be placed, there is nothing complicated about this strategy. Once mastered, players will become efficient at having two-star and three-star attacks in Clash of Clans.

It should be highlighted that users must be cautious of the opponent’s Clan Castle troops and use the Poison spell on them at the appropriate moment.

1) Yeti Smash

  • Troops to use: 7 Yetis, 5 Healers, 4 Balloons, 2 Wizards/8 Archers
  • Spells to use: 4 Earthquake, 2 Rage, 1 Jump, 1 Poison
  • Clan Castle reinforcements: Wall Wrecker/Log Launcher, Yeti, and Earthquake Spells

The top strategy on this list is Yeti Smash, which is highly recommended by many users in the Clash of Clans community. Yeti has proven to be one of the most valuable troops within the game, and using it smartly can aid immensely.

Like the Super Witch Smash, players need to funnel their troops correctly, and they may do so by utilizing Warden/Queen with their healers. Once the area has been cleared, gamers may use the Siege Machine to breach the walls and gain entry towards the center of the base.

Apart from the attacks mentioned above, gamers may also try Mass Dragons in Multiplayer matches to get good enough loot. BoWiBa is another good strategy they may try in Clash of Clans.

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