How to prone in COD Mobile: Step-by-step guide and tips

COD Mobile is one of the most popular games on the mobile platform. Since its release around one year ago, the game has amassed over 100 million downloads on Google Play Store, courtesy the regular updates added by the developers.

There are several functions like prone, crouch, and jump that the players can perform in COD Mobile. They widely use the first one, and it is effective against users with lousy reaction times.

Many gamers prefer to have a separate button to perform this function, but they can disable it from the in-game setting as well. They can also use the crouch button to prone in-game.

A lot of new players do not know how they can perform this function in-game. Hence, we give a step-by-step guide on how to do so.

Also read: COD Mobile: Best gyro sensitivity settings for battle royale mode

How to prone in COD Mobile: Step-by-step guide and tips

Prone button

This is the easiest and the simplest way, and players can follow the below steps:

Step 1: To perform the function in-game, players have to click on the icon as shown in the picture below.

Press on the prone icon

Step 2: Press on the icon again to undo the function.

Crouch button

Players can also perform the function using the crouch button, as seen below:

Step 1: When required to prone, long press/hold the crouch button.

Step 2: The character will perform the required function. Click on the button again to get up.

Here's how they can do so in-game:

How to enable the prone button in COD Mobile

Step 1: Open COD Mobile and click on the settings icon on the top of the screen.

Step 2: Press on the Basic tab and scroll down to find the Hide Prone Button settings.

Disable hide prone button

Step 3: Disable it to get a separate button for the function in COD Mobile.

Also read: How to create room in COD Mobile: Step-by-step guide and tips

(Note: This article is for beginners. While it may seem obvious to you, several new players often search for these 'newbie' methods!)

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