How to remove enchantments in Minecraft Bedrock 1.19 update

Enchantments in the Minecraft Bedrock 1.19 update are certain powerups that enhance the overall performance of a tool, weapon, armor, or gear. Though players frequently enchant their gear, there is also a way to disenchant them.

The main reason for disenchanting an item can be that the enchantment itself is no longer needed by the player or was applied to an item by mistake. Players can enchant items via an enchanting table or an anvil with an enchanted book. Novice players usually enchant items from enchanting tables, whereas experienced players trade-specific enchanted books with librarians.

While the ways of enchanting an item are quite well known, if players want to disenchant an item, there are a few ways to do so.

Guide to disenchanting items in Minecraft Bedrock 1.19 update using blocks and crafting slots

Using grindstone block

Grindstone can remove enchantments (Image via Minecraft Bedrock 1.19 update)

Similar to how enchanting tables and anvils are blocks that can apply enchantments to an item, there is a specific block that can also remove enchantments from items. The block is called grindstone. Grindstone's primary function is to repair and remove enchantments from gear. The only exceptions are curse enchantments that cannot be removed from gear by any means.

This block can be easily crafted by combining two sticks, two wooden planks, and one stone slab. The stone slab can be in the middle of two sticks, followed by two wooden planks right below the sticks. The grindstone can be placed on walls and ceilings as well.

This block will always remove any enchantment from an item (Image via Minecraft Bedrock 1.19 update)

If players want to disenchant an item, they can simply right-click on the block and place the item in the left slot. The block will remove all kinds of enchantments from the item and give out a normal version of it.

If players want to repair an enchanted item by combining it with another item, the grindstone will yet again remove all the enchantments and give out a normal version of the item. In any case, this block will remove all powerups except curses.

The good part is that once it removes the enchantments from an item, it gives back XP points to the player based on the level of enchantment and its value.

Repairing items in crafting slots

Repairing item through crafting slots also removes enchantments (Image via Minecraft Bedrock 1.19 update)

Alternatively, another method of removing enchantments from an item is simply repairing them in normal crafting slots. If players have two similar items with low durability, they can simply place them in their own 2x2 crafting slots to repair them. They can also perform this action on a crafting table.

However, if they repair an enchanted item, the game will remove all the enchantments except curses and give out a normal repaired version of the item. The only caveat is that players will need to repair the item by combining it with another similar item.

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