Stealing other wrestlers finishers - can you take anyone's?

DDP has stated himself that he personally called Randy and told him to take the Cutter as his move. Randy was according to Page, rather pilled up and incoherent at the time so didn't remember the call and thought he had heat with Page over it.

In other cases it comes down to whether the guy who originates ok's it like Page did...after all this was a guy who won a case over his hand gesture, so if he didn't want the cutter used he could have made life hard for Orton.

It's rare to see out and out "stealing" of moves while a guy is still using it. The F5/FU was perhaps the most obvious "steal" of a move so far as Cena used it in he and Brock's mini feud as a "dig". That he has kept it all these years was perhaps WWE's dig on Brock for leaving as he did and by now it's Cena's move rather than Brock's in the scheme of things.

I guess in the end it comes down to where you are on the totem when the person steals the move.. If someone came in tomorrow and did a Warrior style Gorilla Press then it wouldn't really be stealing it as he isn't there...Page's argument to Orton was "I'm done, take the move". but if someone started using the Pedigree or the RKO while they're still there it would probably be an issue. If someone used the Perfect Plex while Axel was using it, you could see heat from it but it would be based more on it being Curt's move and disrespectful rather than it being Joe's move.

Ultimately there is a finite number of safe moves and variations possible, much like anyone who writes a piece of music now has undoubtedly been influenced by 300 years+ of composition. It's almost impossible to create new, safe moves - anything untried is unlikely to pass due to the safety implications and anything overtly risky will be stopped. The days of creative finishes are gone, you'll likely start seeing more traditional ones coming back as a result so there will be an element of "stealing" from far more recently than previously.
