Becky Hammon’s wife has been a popular topic lately due to Becky's connection to the Toronto Raptors. The Las Vegas Aces coach might return to the NBA as the Raptors are interested in her services.
Hammon is best known for her position as an assistant coach for the San Antonio Spurs. She worked closely with Gregg Popovich, who taught her how to be a world-class coach.
While many basketball fans are familiar with the coach's professional career, they don't know much about her personal life. Due to this, there have been a lot of inquiries about Brenda Milano, Becky Hammon’s wife.
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It's easy to see how Becky Hammon and Brenda Milano ended up together. They both love basketball and have a lot of coaching experience. Additionally, both Hammon and Milano played basketball for their schools.
Becky Hammon’s wife was born in Boonton, New Jersey. Brenda Milano eventually moved to New York, where she attended Wagner College. Milano eventually earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in marketing.
While in college, she played basketball and won several accolades, including three NEC Rookie of the Week awards. She finished her senior year averaging 15.0 points, 3.7 rebounds and 4.8 assists per game. Unfortunately, her playing career was cut short due to an injury.
Hammon's partner also enrolled at Seton Hall University, earning her Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in sports management. She was a graduate assistant at the university from 1996 to 1998.
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After leaving Seton Hall, Becky Hammon’s wife worked as an assistant coach for Hofstra University's women's basketball team. Besides this, Brenda Milano also worked as the university's recruiting coordinator.
After a year at the private university, Milano took her talents to St. Francis College in Brooklyn, New York. She served as the head coach of the women's basketball team from 2003 to 2012, replacing Christine Cunningham.
In her first season with the team, the St. Francis Brooklyn Terriers went 8-19 overall and had a 7-11 record in the conference. While the record wasn't impressive, it's important to note that the team won only two games in the previous season.
The best record Becky Hammon’s wife achieved was during the 2006-07 season. The Terriers were 13-18 overall and 7-11 in the conference. In nine years with the basketball team, Milano's overall record was 58-201.
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Becky met Brenda in 2010 and the two have been in a relationship since 2015. They live together and share a home with two of their kids.
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