At the time of its release, Bugsnax received excellent feedback, with the game being praised for its innovative ideas and intriguing tale. Since its 2020 release, the game has been limited to PlayStation consoles, and that will soon change.
Young Horses has confirmed that their adventure romp Bugsnax will be released on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Steam on April 28, and will also be available on Xbox Game Pass.
The game was released alongside the PlayStation 5 last year and earned a lot of positive feedback from critics and players because of its engaging characters, storylines, and even its general layout and visual direction.
Bugsnax multiplayer mode, multiple endings, and new content
The game does not support multiplayer or cooperative play. There is nothing else in the game besides a single-player campaign to complete. It's an excellent game for children, as it includes gathering cute food animals while meeting fluffy teddy bear-like animals on a vibrant island. This mood is maintained in most portions throughout the gameplay.
The game has two possible endings, both of which are fairly similar yet also have significant variances. The bad ending has various possibilities based on the player's decisions. A happy ending rewards gamers who save all of the Grumpus on the island. As those who survived flee, Lizbert and Eggabell manage to hold off the Bugsnax.
Everyone is generally positive in the happy ending of the game. Images in the credits show Filbo becoming mayor and Lizbert and Eggabell living peacefully forever. In addition, there’s also a post-credits scene in the game.
However, if any Grumpuses die, the game will finish in a bad way. While many of the scenes are similar, the Grumpuses on the Beach will become more negative, and the credits will have fewer pictures. Players will also miss out on the post-credits scene.
An unknown voice can be heard speaking Bugsnax with the gamers' editor Clumby. They say "tu quid edas" and "omne vivum ex Bugnsax" to each other in Latin, meaning, "you are what you eat," a line from the "It's Bugsnax" song, and "all life from Bugnsax." The song also had the line "Come to Snaktooth Island and discover, it's Bugsnax!" that unveils one of the game's key secrets when taken literally.
The post-credits sequence also reveals that the editor was aware of Bugsnax's existence and is attempting to conceal it. She could be a member of the Grumpinati, a parody of the Illuminati that appears throughout the game. A Strabby then comes off the ship, which the players used to flee at the end of the game, implying that Bugsnax will extend beyond Bugsnax Island.
The game will receive a significant new content upgrade, making it an even more feature-rich game than the original PlayStation version. Players will explore an island occupied by huge Bugsnax in the Isle of Bigsnax free content update, which is expected to provide about three hours of new story content. Players would be able to customize their Snaxburg homes and give their Bugsnax caps as part of the free content update.
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